As we experience the hottest summer in years, a critical debate is unfolding around New…

Where Can I Get More Detailed Product Information From?
We fully understand that specifying, recommending and using the myriad of building products on offer can be a minefield! This, combined with supply chain issues, is making building in New Zealand a real challenge.
Well, EXPOL are here to help!
We have been working on improving the resources available to architects, specifiers, builders and merchants. We have updated our online Resource Centre at
Here we have a range of resources on offer to support you.
In the Product Resource Centre Section we have:
– Copies of our Technical Guide and Brochures,
– Copies of our Technical Data Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets,
– Product and installation videos.
In the EXPOL Expert Section you have access to our self-paced online training portal. Modules in here cover our products, solutions and our recycling efforts. They are quick, simple and you can undertake them at your own pace.
Next we have our Calculators, which allows users to calculate:
– How many packs of EXPOL UnderFloor they will need,
– The R-Value of EXPOL products at various thicknesses,
– How many sheets are required to cover a particular area.
If you can’t find the answer you were looking for you can get in touch with our Technical Team.
T: 0800 86 33 73 E: W: